Archive | April, 2013


16 Apr

First off, I cannot fathom what happened in Boston yesterday.  My heart and prayers go out to everyone and their families.

I been seeing these around the blog world and cannot remember where I got it from so if you see it I will link it up sorry!  Love doing fun stuff like this!

The ABC’s of Kaity:

Addictions: Cawfeeee (dunkin), peanut butter, harry potter, cute plates <–gosh am I a weirdo


Bed size: Queen!


Chore you hate: I hate putting my clothes away, hate hate hate it.

Dogs or cats: I love dogs but I am def going to be a crazy cat lady.


Essential start of your day: Breakfast. I walk straight from my bed to the fridge.

Favorite color: Pink!

Gold or silver: Gold, but I feel lately I been wearing more silver hmmm.

Height: 5’3.75 ( yeah that .75 really counts)

Instruments you play (or have played): nothing, except oh yeah the recorder.


Jobs titles you’ve had: Hairdresser, Sales clerk(i guess thats the name), Assistant

Kids: Love them. As long as they are being good and listening to me ofcoarse 😉


Live: Love NY but would love to live somewhere more naturey.


Mom’s name: Jess!

Nickname: Kaity, my full name is Kaitlyn. Alot of my friends call me Kaytoothetea too because that use to be an old screen name lol


Overnight hospital stays: Never, knock on wood!

Pet peeve:  Guys playing games, people being indecisive, stupid drivers, people who ask dumb questions.  God I am an angry person.


Quote from a movie: Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light… wheres that from!? GO!

Right or left handed: I do everything lefty besides write/eat.  So weird

Siblings: 2 brothers and a sister.  Plus a brother in law and sister in law ❤

Time you wake up: Usually early and never later then 730.

Underwear: Mostly Victoria Secret.

Vegetables you dislike: Arugula.  I just cant like it.


What makes you run late: I am usually that person who is wayyyy early to everything.  But having to walk up the hill in my backyard looking for a shoe duke took will usually make me a few minutes behind.

X-rays you’ve had done: So many.  Mostly of my ankle and knee. Ton of dental ones too, poor kid I was.  I was actually looking for a TBT last week and realized from 9-13 I was just to ugly for words hahaha thank the lord for braces.

Yummy food you make: I wouldn’t be able to eat something I didn’t like.  I have done that in the past and done shots of wheatgrass because it was good for you yet tasted awful.


Zoo animal: Penguins ❤

What makes me happy: this cracked me up seriously.Image

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Do you have any vegetables you just hate?

MiMM- Much needed relaxation

15 Apr

Happy Monday!  I hope all had a great weekend!  Mine was pretty relaxing and much needed!

Onto a MIMM thanks to Katie!


Marvelous is..all you can eat sushi! I ate 6, yes 6 rolls. Can I get a oink oink (lmao i really did just say that too)

 Marvelous is..getting my bake on with my favorite chicks! It was a really crappy day Friday so we made some of these cookies.  Then the 3 of us split the batch. YUM!

Marvelous long lost love kombucha! Always feel so refreshing after I drink them, as long as none of the little stringyness touches my mouth.


Marvelous is..too many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches this weekend.  Never gets old.


Marvelous is..this movie, I swear I am Gigi.


Marvelous is..pancakes!  I made them for the past 3 days.  Can’t get enough.  I been trying to switch up the kinds I make each day for the challenge!


Is it just me that will use the smallest spoonful of batter just to not waste it and make a tiny pancake? PS ignore my hot nails.

Marvelous is..dunkins iced tea!  I was not in the mood for coffee when I went on sunday (I know right) so I decided to broaden my horizon and get the iced tea.  I think the workers almost had a heart attack too.

Marvelous is.. running without having a constant runny nose.  Sorry is that’s TMI but you colder weather runners, do you know what I am talking about?! I won’t even have a stuffy nose but you bet it will be running on any runs, my poor sleeves.  With it being nice out I now enjoy runs runny nose free. HOLLA

What makes me happy: monthly dinner with the salon girls.  I made it a thing to go to the bar/restaurant next door and about 5 of us go after a busy Saturday.  It’s good to just let loose with them and talk since we barely can catch up during work.  We sometimes stay after and just drink all night but I am punishing myself until school ends not to drink because of my crappy grade I got lol.  Especially after my YOLO night, I need a break.

Whats marvelous about your Monday?

Do you like PB (or any nut butter) & J?  What kind of jelly?  Strawberry is my fav ❤

Do you like to have planned girls nights every few weeks?  If so what do you guys usually do?

WIAW In the Sun

10 Apr

Hello Everyone, I can’t get enough of this gorgeous weather.  After this I am going to go for a quick run outside then go to the gym for chest/abs..Yesterday was legs and I didn’t finish them because I got so hot there doing them and was getting nausea.  I already get a stomach ache doing legs but sweating like a pig on top of it killed me.  Does anyone else get a stomach ache during legs?!

Onto Wednesday, so glad this week is flying!  Thanks for Jenn for hosting!



I woke up at 5 and could already tell it was going to be one of those mornings that I don’t get satisfied by anything I eat.  So instead of switching it up today like I have been with Meghan’s challenge, I went with my usual 2 eggs, sweet potato and kale sauteed in coconut oil with nutritional yeast.


I also had my DD, butter pecan. ❤


I had to pack something easy to eat because I wasn’t stopping home in between my class because I had to go to the library.  I was not bringing tuna in the library. I get looks for my smoothies now being smelly too?! Not happening.


Celery&Carrots with hummus, green smoothie consisiting of strawberries, an orange, coconut milk, banana, protein powder, and spinach, and an apple.  I never ate the apple so once I came back from the gym I did with a scoop of protein powder with some almond milk and peanut butter, so goooood. (yes I used a measuring cup as my bowl)



Finally something new for the challenge.  I made a tempeh burger that was so good with some ketchup, corn and broccoli on the side.  Perfect meal for a gorgeous day!



Popcorn kick is back in full force. Then I had a cup of peanuts.

What makes me happy: enough said. Image


Do you sometimes find it hard to switch up your meals?  What is your hardest one to switch?

Are you a baseball fan?

Overwhelming Week.

8 Apr

Hey everyone, I miss you guys!  This is the first time turning on the computer since my last post over a week ago.  So bad.  I been reading all your posts from my phone though but some posts I can’t comment on from my phone so I am sorry about that I am still up to date with all of you though!  After my vacation getting back to school was so hectic.  I have 10 classes left and so much to do.  I had midterms the day we got back because me teachers a, well for lack of a better word.. meany.  I bombed them both and it’s been nonstop since then.  I mean for me to not turn on my computer this long, you know I am busy! 

I join this every now and then and always love it so I am gonna keep up with it.  Here’s my MIMM thanks to Katie!


Even though I have been stressed to the max I still had plenty of good times of me making a complete ass out of myself.  For example, this cute guy in my class I never really talked to (he hasn’t falling for the hair flip yet) came and sat with me as I was eating my smoothies the other day.  Almost died.  But then we are waiting in the hall for our classroom to open (apparently he likes to get to class an hour early too) and I am being all as I think I was “cute” as I was leaning againest the wall.  I go to walk away and the picture frame I was leaning on gets caught in my hair.  Then it continues to fall off the wall and this 16×14 frame is now hanging from my hair.  I am hysterical laughing and the poor guy looks mortified as he is trying to get it out of my hair.  I sure no how to break the ice. I wonder if he will tutor me?

Marvelous is Meghan‘s awesome challenge for April.  You try something new whether it’s a recipe, food, workout, etc. each day for the month.  Though I been a sucky blogger lately I have been actually trying something new each day.  Most of them are recipes which is really great because I needed to switch it up badly!

Marvelous is dunkin donuts butter pecan coffee!  Whatttt.  I got so excited that I got both the mint chocolate chip and butter pecan because you know just incase they didn’t have the flavors there the next day.  Mint choco chip was ehhh not to good.  Butter pecan was the bomb though.  I wonder if that counts as trying something new?! 😉


Marvelous is it finally getting nice out.  Meaning no more pants! 

ImageI honestly hate pants and can live in dresses year round.

Marvelous is those bruises I am rocking on my knees.  My bottle of YOLO this weekend got the best of me.  You win dragon berry rum, you win.



Marvelous is being half way done with livefit!


2 weeks before and after.  If only I followed the diet plan completely and didn’t love liquor so much!  Haha, but I am loving the results and will write up about it and about the diet this week since I got some questions about it!

Marvelous is finally watching some movies that I been wanting to see!  I finally watched Argo and Life of Pi.  Argo was good, the other one however wasn’t my cup of tea.

Not so marvelous is going to type up 1 of the 2 papers due and study for my test tomorrow.  I will be back though !

What makes me happy: I know I said it already but 10 classes left.  Then it’s my last hoorah summer!  I am meeting with my 2 bestfriends this week just to make a things to do this summer.  Any good ideas?!

Have you seen any new movies lately?

Have you tried the new DD flavors?

I can’t be alone, who else has fell from too much alcohol?  Make me feel better! lol